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Now Faith Ministries
Meet our pastors

Senior Pastor Marva Hawkins~Pastor Billy Hawkins~Pastor Marvelene Marshall

"I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken."  Psalm 16: 8 NIV
This scripture is the epitome of the ministry and the life of Pastors Marva and Nathaniel Hawkins.  Thus exemplifying their personal walk with the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  They aspire to minister to all man kind regardless of race, creed, or color because of their love, compassion, and their desire that all should be saved and come into the knowledge of the truth.
Pastor Marva Hawkins was chosen and qualified by God to preach and spread the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  As a result, the Lord blessed Pastors Marva and Nathaniel Hawkins with, Now Faith Ministries, a church that is tremendously on the move for God and the Spirit filled renowned word of God goes forth in every service reaching the unreached and telling the untold, the good news.
Their desire is to witness God's people triumph in the victory in Jesus Christ.  The Spirit of the Lord is manifested in their lives as well as their ministry.
Come worship with us and attain that born again experience and feel the overflowing and overpowering presence of the Holy Ghost.

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"Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.  Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised."  Proverb 31: 29, 30 KJV
Pastor Marvelene Marshall's motto is:
May the life I live speak for me regarding this scripture.
Pastor Marshall has been in ministry for 30 years.  Her ministerial compassion is for new converts and ministering Gods Holy word to those who are lost, distraut, destitute, and untaught about the good news.  The agape love of God is in her heart.  Her compassionate intercessory prayers ring out from nation to nation that God will send his laborers to spread the gospel to lost countries.  Countries that are seemingly without hope.  The Lord is dynamically using her, and she is a soul winning soldier in His kingdom.
Prayer, worship, and praise are a complete part of her ministry.  This is a woman of wisdom and knowledge, and she is on fire for God.  She is a woman after God's own heart.
The Lord has draped her with a special anointing and as she ministers from peace to peace God's people are being blessed, saved, and set free.
"I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work."  John 9: 4 KJV